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Prayer, which is truly communion with the Father, through Christ Our Lord, in the Spirit, is at the centre of our religious life, and the celebration of the Eucharist, the source and summit of the Church’s life, has first place in Dominican community prayer.

A sister's day is structured around the Divine Office: typically a community will say Morning prayer, Midday prayer or Readings, Evening prayer and Compline. The day ends with the singing of the Salve Regina and the O Lumen, (a hymn to St Dominic).

Dominican Family Tree

The Rosary is an integral part of our Dominican heritage, and sisters are encouraged to pray it daily, either as part of their private prayer or in common. Dominicans also have a particular charism for praying for the dead, and anyone who is a parent, friend, benefactor, or member of the Order can rely on being remembered in the prayers of the Brothers and Sisters as long as there is a Dominican Order to pray for them. For this reason we close our daily prayer in common with the ‘De Profundis' (Ps. 129) for the dead.

Our celebration of the Liturgy receives meaning and value from the sincerity of private prayer nourished by regular, serious reading of the Scriptures and works of Christian spirituality. Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament is a regular part of the sisters’ lives.

Sisters at Sr Tamsin's Silver Jubilee Mass