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Our Mission

'All renewal in the Church must have mission as its goal' St. John Paul II
Ecclesia in Oceania 19

St Dominic's preaching mission was in direct response to the urgent needs of his time, and in her time St Catherine of Siena likewise responded to immediate necessity at the personal, societal and ecclesial level. As Dominican sisters we receive the charism of St. Dominic, and are called to discover and address the particular needs of our own time and place as our patron St Catherine of Siena did in hers

In determining what particular ministry a sister will pursue a balance is sought between the gifts of grace and nature of the individual sister, the needs of the Congregation and the needs of the Church and society at large. This means our sisters are involved in a wide variety of missions and ministries.

These include: chaplaincy, teaching theology at the Margaret Beaufort Institute and elsewhere, education of future priests both in the Dominican Studium, Blackfriars Oxford, and at the diocesan seminary Allen Hall in London, online teaching, volunteer work with the elderly, spiritual direction and counselling, parish ministries, catechetics, study groups, and youth groups. Sisters serve on various committees in relation to Education, Health Care, Theology, and Ecumenical Dialogue and contribute to Catholic journals and newspapers.

To read more about Blackfriars, click here. To read more about Allen Hall click here. To read more about the Margaret Beaufort Institute. click here.

We also support the work of those who are engaged with asylum seekers, and, through correspondence, voice our concern for causes of justice and peace, environmental matters, and pro-life issues.

Our communities also serve as places of welcome and study for sisters and other students, and a particular charism of welcoming visitors into our houses has long been part of our apostolate.

For up-to-date news on the day-to-day mission, visit our Facebook page by clicking on the picture below:


The Congregation has overall responsibility for two institutions, St. Mary's Home and St. Rose's school St. Mary's Home is a home for the elderly and infirm, which aims to provide a high standard of nursing care within a Christian environment, where nonetheless residents of all faiths and ethnic backgrounds are welcomed. A homely, friendly and open atmosphere that promotes the privacy, dignity and rights of all our residents is offered.

Click here to learn more about St Mary's Home

St Rose's is a Catholic school providing education, therapy and day and residential care for children and young people between 2-25 with a range of physical disabilities, sensory, learning and communication difficulties and complex health needs. St Roses is a lively, non-maintained Catholic day and residential special school established by the Dominican Sisters in 1912. The Gospel message is at the heart of the school, which ensures that all students feel happy, safe, valued and loved.

Click here to learn more about St Rose's