The Women at the foot of the Cross
Although we call to mind Christ’s Passion throughout the season of Lent, this is particularly true of Holy Week, beginning today, Palm Sunday, with the reading of the entire Passion narrative at Mass.
I would like to focus our attention now on two Marys. The first, Mary, Mother of God, Mother of Jesus who is God. She was completely sinless from the first moment of her existence, having been “preserved free from all stain of original sin” “by a singular grace and privilege granted by Almighty God, in view of the merits of [her Son] Jesus Christ.”[1]

Fasting has been in the news lately. Partly, of course, it's that time of year again: it's almost Lent, a season traditionally contoured for Christians by at any rate token emulation of Jesus' 40 days in the wilderness abstaining from bodily sustenance. But there have also been the recent revelations from Downing Street. Reports that Rishi Sunak eats little or nothing from Sunday evening to Tuesday morning have inspired pop-scientific media articles commending or condemning this dietary regime on the basis of contested medical evidence, and speculation as to the wisdom of prime ministerial decision-making on an empty stomach.

Holy Preaching 2.8: Making a Martyr of Yourself
"Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness' sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven." [Mt 5:10]. This talk concludes the series of the Beatitudes which were given by several sisters last year. The approaches taken were very different and not all participants have attended every talk. However, many of you will remember particular aspects. Ideally, I should now present a fine summary of all the talks but I am afraid this will not be the case. Instead, I will let Pope Benedict XVI do this for us. Pope Benedict suggests seeing the Beatitudes within the framework of Jesus' teaching which from the beginning of his ministry has one main message: 'Repent, for the kingdom of God is close at hand' Mt 4:17.

Be Thou My Vision
Introduction: Tonight we come to a turning-point in our journey through the Beatitudes. Thus far, we have spent the last Jive months pondering the ingredients of a happy life. We have heard of the things that we either do or do not have — like riches, pride or comfort — or the things we do or do not do — like justice and mercy.

On knowing the end of the Story
Every year, and seemingly earlier every year, Christians are faced with a dilemma. What are we to do when we know it's Advent, but the world around us is determined that it's already Christmas? To partake the mulled wine and mince pies proffered by friends and colleagues or not? To join in with the carols in the shopping mall or pass by in pursed lip silence?